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Three ways to invest in Thrivent funds

We’re here to help you invest with confidence.


Thrivent Account

You can purchase mutual funds right on our site with an online account.

Invest with a Thrivent account

  • Set up an account starting with as little as $50 per month.1
  • Access your online account at your convenience.
  • Purchase funds without transaction fees or sales charges.


Financial Professional

For guidance when investing, ask a financial professional about investing in Thrivent mutual funds & ETFs.

Invest with a financial professional

  • Receive investment help from an experienced professional.
  • Build a relationship through in-person meetings.
  • Get help planning for life’s goals such as saving and retirement.
  • Additional fees may apply.


Brokerage Account

If you already have a brokerage account, our mutual funds & ETFs can be purchased through online brokerage platforms by searching for Thrivent Mutual Funds and ETFs.

Invest with a brokerage account

  • Add Thrivent Mutual Funds and ETFs to your investments within your existing portfolio.
  • Take advantage of your account to keep your investments in one place.
  • Additional fees may apply.

Not quite ready?

We want you to invest your money wisely and with confidence.
Here are some other options that may help you.

  • Take our quiz to determine your personal investment style.
  • Talk to your financial advisor about ETFs.
  • Sign up for our monthly investing insights newsletter.


Need more help?

If you need assistance, we’re here to help. Reach out to us via the phone, email, and support page information below.


This ETF is different from traditional ETFs. Traditional ETFs tell the public what assets they hold each day. This ETF will not. This may create additional risks for your investment. For example:

 - You may have to pay more money to trade the ETF’s shares. This ETF will provide less information to traders, who tend to charge more for trades when they have less information.

 - The price you pay to buy ETF shares on an exchange may not match the value of the ETF’s portfolio. The same is true when you sell shares. These price differences may be greater for this ETF compared to other ETFs because it provides less information to traders.

 - These additional risks may be even greater in bad or uncertain market conditions.

 - The ETF will publish on its website each day a “Proxy Portfolio” designed to help trading in shares of the ETF. While the Proxy Portfolio includes some of the ETF’s holdings, it is not the ETF’s actual portfolio.

The differences between this ETF and other ETFs may also have advantages. By keeping certain information about the ETF secret, this ETF may face less risk that other traders can predict or copy its investment strategy. This may improve the ETF’s performance. If other traders are able to copy or predict the ETF’s investment strategy, however, this may hurt the ETF’s performance. For additional information regarding the unique attributes and risks of the ETF, see the Principal Risks section of the prospectus.

1 New accounts with a minimum investment amount of $50 are offered through the Thrivent Mutual Funds "automatic purchase plan." Otherwise, the minimum initial investment requirement is $2,000 for non-retirement accounts and $1,000 for IRA or tax-deferred accounts, minimum subsequent investment requirement is $50 for all account types. Account minimums for other options vary.

Thrivent ETFs may be purchased through your financial professional or brokerage platforms.

Contact your financial professional or brokerage firm to understand minimum investment amounts when purchasing a Thrivent ETF.

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Understanding the fees and expenses of mutual funds

When you’re considering investing in a mutual fund, it’s important to understand how much you would be paying in fees and expenses, as well as the specific purpose for those charges.

Fund expenses cover the investment and day-to-day operating costs of the fund. Depending on the fund company’s policies and the structure of the funds themselves, fees and expenses may extend to cover additional costs, like marketing expenses for the fund.

Common fees and expenses

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires that investors receive a full disclosure of mutual fund fees and expenses. However, this doesn’t mean that the information is always easy to understand. Here’s a list of the common fees and expenses associated with mutual funds, although not all fees apply to all funds:

  • Fund operating expenses
    These expenses are frequently expressed as a fund’s expense ratio, which is how much a mutual fund charges its shareholders by percentage per year. A good rule of thumb is the lower the ratio, the lower the operating costs passed on to shareholders. The different types of fees included in the expense ratio are:
    • Management fees
      These cover the day-to-day management of a fund by portfolio managers and research analysts, who monitor the portfolio and make investment decisions. These fees may vary as some funds are more expensive to run due to the nature of the fund’s focus. For example, it typically costs more money to research smaller emerging markets stocks than it does to research large U.S. stocks. Stock funds are generally more expensive than bond funds. Actively managed funds are often more expensive than index funds. 
    • Distribution/12b-1 fees
      Some funds may have an annual marketing or distribution fee, generally 0.25–1% of the fund’s net assets.
    • Other expenses
      Fees which cover other costs of operating the fund including fees for legal, accounting, record keeping and other administrative costs. 
  • Sales loads or charges
    When you buy mutual fund shares, there’s often a broker or other intermediary party who helps the fund company sell the fund. The sales load (a percentage of the purchase) is how these intermediaries receive compensation. There are two common ways sales loads are structured:
    • Front-end load 
      This sales charge is applied at the time of an initial purchase of mutual fund shares. When a front-end load is paid, the public offering price (POP) is higher since it reflects the sales charge, so you purchase fewer shares than if you purchased at the net asset value price (NAV). NAV is the price used to value your account, as well as the price used when you sell your shares.    
    • Back-end load 
      This fee is paid when selling shares in a mutual fund within a defined time period, often five–10 years. The fee amounts to a percentage of the value of the shares being sold. The fee percentage is highest in the first year and decreases yearly until the specified holding period ends, at which time it drops to zero.

Funds will charge either the front-end, or the back-end load, but not both. Since these two sales loads are a one-time fee and specific to the size of the purchase, they aren't reflected in a fund's expense ratio. 

  • Redemption fees
    Some funds charge a fee for withdrawing money from a mutual fund account within a set number of days after making a purchase. These fees are usually used to discourage shareholders from making too many "round trips" (purchases followed by a redemption) in a short period of time. 
  • Transaction fees
    Transaction fees are charged by a broker or other intermediary for providing assistance in purchasing or selling shares of a fund. These fees can be charged up-front or when selling the shares.
  • Low balance fees
    When the balance of an account falls below a certain level, some funds charge a low balance fee to cover the higher costs associated with maintaining small accounts.
  • Annual retirement custodial fees
    A flat fee charged by a bank or brokerage for administering or managing an IRA/retirement plan.
  • Overnight or wire fees
    A fee charged by a broker or transfer agent for sending money using an expedited service for delivery of the assets.

What to expect from Thrivent Mutual Funds

When you choose to invest with Thrivent Mutual Funds, we try to keep the fees and expenses low, and as clear and simple to understand as possible. Here’s a list of the fees and expenses you can expect:

Class S Shares refers to Thrivent Mutual Funds – Class S Shares

Class A Shares refers to Thrivent Mutual Funds – Class A Shares (not available for purchase on thriventfunds.com)

Distribution/12b-1 fees
  • Class S Shares – None
  • Class A Shares – 0.125%–0.25%1

Annual fund operating expenses
  • Class S Shares
    • Gross: 0.36% – 1.82%
    • Net: 0.36% – 1.00%
  • Class A Shares
    • Gross: 0.43% – 1.35%
    • Net: 0.38% – 1.17%
  • Some funds may have expense waivers. See the appropriate fund detail page or the expense table in the prospectus for more information.

Front-end charges
  • Class S Shares – None
  • Class A Shares – 0%–4.50%1 Note: The more you invest, the lower the sales charge per the breakpoint schedule. For more information on how to reduce sales charges, see sales charges.

Redemption fees
  • All share classes – None

Transaction fees
  • All share classes – Fees are not charged by Thrivent Mutual Funds including transactions completed through thriventfunds.com. If a broker/dealer assists you, they may charge fees.

Low balance fee 
  • All share classes – $10 semiannual fee if account balance falls below minimum levels. The low balance fee does not apply to automatic investment plan accounts. See the prospectus for more details.

Back-end charges
  • Class S Shares – None
  • Class A Shares – None

Annual custodial fees
  • $15 fee to cover the additional expense for maintaining a retirement plan.
  • Annual fee based on type of retirement plan, typically taken in December, will be applied to accounts held by clients with aggregate balances below $50,000. Fees also waived for clients with an automatic purchase plan for $3,000 or more annually. Retirement plan groups consist of: 
    • Traditional IRA, Roth IRA and SEP IRA
    • 403(b)
    • Simple IRA
    • Coverdell Education Savings Account (CESA)
  • When closing all accounts in that retirement plan group, the $15 fee is taken from the last account of that plan group when all shares are redeemed.

Overnight or wire fees 
  • Expedited delivery fee will be charged upon shareholder request for redemption proceeds to be sent via overnight express mail or wire transfer to a bank account.

At Thrivent Mutual Funds, we aim to provide a simple, yet sophisticated way to invest that brings the best possible value to our shareholders. Our team of seasoned professionals brings deep expertise and proprietary research to actively managing each fund. When you choose to invest with Thrivent Mutual Funds, you’ll benefit from the knowledge and experience of our investment professionals and the convenience and choices we provide to make investing easier.

1 For a full breakdown of distribution/12b-1 fees and front-end charges for Thrivent Mutual Funds – Class A shares, please see the prospectus.

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