No matter how knowledgeable you are, when it comes to investing there are going to be questions. The support you need can be found right here.
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Review proposed and historical fund changes and mergers across Thrivent Mutual Funds.
Most account activity for your Thrivent Mutual Funds can be done online, but if a form is needed, they can be found here.
Relucant to make financial decisions without guidance? Connect with one of our Thrivent financial professionals who is available to support your investment needs.
Monday-Friday, 7am–6pm central
When calling, say “mutual funds” for faster service.
Thrivent Mutual Funds
P.O. Box 219348
Kansas City, Missouri 64121-9348
Thrivent ETFs may be purchased through your financial professional or through your brokerage account.
Thrivent financial professionals are registered representatives of Thrivent Investment Management Inc., an SEC-registered investment adviser, a broker/dealer, and a member FINRA/SIPC. Thrivent Investment Management Inc. is a subsidiary of Thrivent.