A strong but volatile start
2025 started off with sustained economic growth, but we are watching waning consumer confidence closely.
2025 started off with sustained economic growth, but we are watching waning consumer confidence closely.
Learn how stocks, bonds and mixed assets play different roles in portfolios.
Use mutual funds to help diversify your portfolio.
Like carmakers and fashion designers, mutual fund companies offer their products in a wide variety of styles to meet the varying needs of investors. When deciding which mutual fund or funds would be best for you, it’s important to learn about all the types of funds available.
At a high level, most funds can be classified into one of three general categories defined by the types of assets in which they invest. Although mutual funds are typically diversified within their asset class, they still carry the risk of loss of capital. Here are the three primary categories of funds:
Beyond these broad categories, there are many subcategories of funds which are distinguished by the types of securities they own, the level of risk they present and their investment horizon. By category, they include:
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Investing $50 a month could add up nicely for your retirement
Investing early, even as little as $50 a month, may pay off for your retirement savings goals.
Will you have enough to make your retirement plans a reality?
After years of hard work and deferred gratification, you’re finally looking forward to a fulfilling retirement. And you have some big plans. Travel. Fine dining. A cozy, well-appointed vacation cabin. You now have the time to enjoy the good life that you may have had to (mostly) put off during your career.
In the investing world, time may pay off in helping you accomplish your large savings goals.
Whether you hope to invest in one mutual fund or several, you’ll find many options designed to meet your objectives.
Thrivent Mutual Funds offers more than 20 no-load mutual funds, including a variety of stock, bond and asset allocation funds. See: Investments for goals of all shapes and sizes.
1 “Market Cap Explained.” FINRA. 2022. www.finra.org/investors/insights/market-cap (April 15, 2024).
The concepts presented are intended for educational purposes only. This information should not be considered investment advice or a recommendation of any particular security, strategy, or product.