Tax Day is April 15, 2025. Visit the Tax Resource Center to help you prepare.

Three ways to invest in Thrivent funds

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Thrivent Account

You can purchase mutual funds right on our site with an online account.

Invest with a Thrivent account

  • Set up an account starting with as little as $50 per month.1
  • Access your online account at your convenience.
  • Purchase funds without transaction fees or sales charges.


Financial Professional

For guidance when investing, ask a financial professional about investing in Thrivent mutual funds & ETFs.

Invest with a financial professional

  • Receive investment help from an experienced professional.
  • Build a relationship through in-person meetings.
  • Get help planning for life’s goals such as saving and retirement.
  • Additional fees may apply.


Brokerage Account

If you already have a brokerage account, our mutual funds & ETFs can be purchased through online brokerage platforms by searching for Thrivent Mutual Funds and ETFs.

Invest with a brokerage account

  • Add Thrivent Mutual Funds and ETFs to your investments within your existing portfolio.
  • Take advantage of your account to keep your investments in one place.
  • Additional fees may apply.

Not quite ready?

We want you to invest your money wisely and with confidence.
Here are some other options that may help you.

  • Take our quiz to determine your personal investment style.
  • Talk to your financial advisor about ETFs.
  • Sign up for our monthly investing insights newsletter.


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This ETF is different from traditional ETFs. Traditional ETFs tell the public what assets they hold each day. This ETF will not. This may create additional risks for your investment. For example:

 - You may have to pay more money to trade the ETF’s shares. This ETF will provide less information to traders, who tend to charge more for trades when they have less information.

 - The price you pay to buy ETF shares on an exchange may not match the value of the ETF’s portfolio. The same is true when you sell shares. These price differences may be greater for this ETF compared to other ETFs because it provides less information to traders.

 - These additional risks may be even greater in bad or uncertain market conditions.

 - The ETF will publish on its website each day a “Proxy Portfolio” designed to help trading in shares of the ETF. While the Proxy Portfolio includes some of the ETF’s holdings, it is not the ETF’s actual portfolio.

The differences between this ETF and other ETFs may also have advantages. By keeping certain information about the ETF secret, this ETF may face less risk that other traders can predict or copy its investment strategy. This may improve the ETF’s performance. If other traders are able to copy or predict the ETF’s investment strategy, however, this may hurt the ETF’s performance. For additional information regarding the unique attributes and risks of the ETF, see the Principal Risks section of the prospectus.

1 New accounts with a minimum investment amount of $50 are offered through the Thrivent Mutual Funds "automatic purchase plan." Otherwise, the minimum initial investment requirement is $2,000 for non-retirement accounts and $1,000 for IRA or tax-deferred accounts, minimum subsequent investment requirement is $50 for all account types. Account minimums for other options vary.

Thrivent ETFs may be purchased through your financial professional or brokerage platforms.

Contact your financial professional or brokerage firm to understand minimum investment amounts when purchasing a Thrivent ETF.

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A low-cost retirement plan for small business owners

Key points

SEP plans similar to 401(k)s

A SEP plan allows a small business to offer similar retirement packages to 401(k)s which larger companies may offer.

Employee management

Employees oversee how their SEP IRA account is invested.

Small business owners can offer employees (and themselves) a tax-deferred retirement savings plan similar to the plans offered by larger corporations—but without incurring the high start-up and operating costs of a conventional retirement savings plan such as a 401(k).

A simplified employee pension (SEP) plan is similar to corporate retirement plans such as 401(k)s in that:

  • Both are funded with pre-tax contributions
  • Investments within both plans grow tax-deferred
  • Withdrawals in retirement are taxed at your ordinary income rate in the year of the withdrawal

However, there are also some important differences. While 401(k) plans are funded with pre-tax compensation from employees (sometimes supplemented with a full or partial match by the employer), all contributions made to a SEP plan must come from the employer on behalf of the employees. Although a SEP plan is funded with after tax dollars, employer contributions are a deductible business expense.

An employer could make an annual contribution of up to the lesser of 25%of each employee’s compensation2 or $69,000 (whichever is less) for 2024 and $70,000 for 2025.

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Here are several other key facts to know about a SEP plan for small business owners:

  • If the employer makes contributions on their own behalf, they must also make contributions on behalf of all eligible employees.
  • Employees are always 100% vested in (or, have ownership of) all SEP IRA money.
  • The employer can adjust the contribution each year as the situation warrants.
  • Any employees who are at least age 21 and worked for you at any time in three out of the prior five years must be included in the SEP plan. Employees who earn $750 in 2025 will also be eligible.
    • For instance, someone who worked for you in 2021, 2022, and 2023 would be eligible for your plan, and you would be required to make a contribution for him or her for the 2024 plan year.
    • If you want to stash away 15% of your compensation for yourself, you must also contribute an amount equal to 15% of that employee’s compensation to his or her SEP IRA. Although the contribution comes directly from the company rather than from the employee’s wages, the employees own and control their own accounts.
    • If you are an employee with a SEP IRA account, you can:
      • Keep your money in the SEP IRA.
      • Transfer your money to another SEP IRA.
      • Roll over your money to a traditional IRA, Roth IRA (this is a taxable event), a 401(k), a 403(b), or 457(b) account in which you participate if the receiving plan accepts rollovers.
  • Participants must start taking required minimum distributions (RMDs) in the year they turn 73, or 75 if born after 1960, from their SEP IRA account.
  • Employees who take a distribution before age 59½ would be required to pay income taxes and possibly a 10% early distribution penalty. The 10% penalty may not be imposed if certain conditions apply, such as a permanent disability. The money may also be used for a down payment for first-time home buyers or to help pay your children’s higher education costs. See the full list of exceptions.

Self-employed individuals can also open a SEP plan for their retirement savings.


If you’re self-employed, you can still benefit from a tax-deferred retirement plan

If you’re self-employed, you can open a Simplified Employee Pension Plan (SEP) that may allow you to contribute thousands of dollars each year to a tax-deferred account.

Steps to start planning for retirement now

To start planning for the retirement you want or will be able to afford, you’ll need an idea of your current costs, what they’ll be in the future, and how much income to expect from your investments. From there you can adjust as needed.

How to set up a low-cost retirement plan for your small business

Establishing a SEP plan for your business involves maintaining a plan document. The IRS provides a prototype document called the 5305-SEP, Simplified Employee Pension. That is a matter that you may choose to handle through your tax advisor or on your own. (For more details, see IRS article How do I establish a SEP?)

Once your business has completed the required IRS form, you and your employees will be able to open SEP IRA accounts with a qualified financial institution to receive the contributions and enable participants to invest their funds. While contributions come from the employer, each employee owns and controls their own SEP IRA account.

Thrivent Asset Management offers a SEP IRA account that enables you to choose from all-in-one investments or build your allocations according to your specific objectives. Whether your goal is accumulation or distribution, Thrivent Asset Management offers simple solutions to diversify investments based on your risk tolerance. If you are offering or part of a SEP plan, consider opening a SEP IRA through Thrivent Asset Management to save for your retirement.



1 Self-employed owners who file Schedule C are limited to 20% of net earned income.

2 For Schedule C filers, it would be net earned income; for Schedule C or Sub S Corporation filers, it would be W-2 income.

The information provided is not intended as a source for tax, legal or accounting advice. Please consult with a legal and/or tax professional for specific information regarding your individual situation.

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