Conservative investors try to avoid financial risk whenever possible and focus on not losing money. They are willing to trade lower returns and slower growth for more stability in their overall investments. If money may be needed in the near term, investing conservatively may be a wise option.
Moderately Conservative investors want to invest, but without taking large risks. Their main priority is to not lose their investment and they are okay with low and slow returns. They may need to withdraw money soon, so an investment profile that leans to the conservative side would be an option to consider.
A Moderate investor is in it for the medium to long term. The usual up and down fluctuations of the market is fine, as long as it nets a higher return. If the volatility lasts too long, a Moderate investor may start to consider withdrawing a portion or all of their investments.
Moderately Aggressive investors want to be rewarded for the risks they take. They are not the most aggressive investor and probably don’t need access to their money for a while. A Moderately Aggressive investor has the mindset that if they hang in there, their investments will pay off in the end, but there may be some ups and downs along the way.
An Aggressive investor has one goal: Maximize returns. Anything that is underperforming isn't a concern because they're optimistic and in it for the long term. Taking bigger risks is their game as time is on their side since they don't expect to withdraw their investments for a quite a while.